Rodent Control

in Columbus, Akron, Cleveland, Ohio and surrounding areas

mouseSure, some people keep mice and rats as pets, but these rodents are also known as common household and business pests. If they’re uninvited guests in your home, learn about the proper methods of rodent control that can keep your home or office pest-free.

Signs of Rodents

Besides actually seeing a mouse run across the floor, there are other signs of a rodent infestation:

  • Droppings are an indication of the size of the rodent you’re dealing with. Look for them in upper or lower cabinets and anywhere you may store food.
  • Gnaw marks in wood around openings in the wall where pipes or wires go through. They may also appear at the bottom of storage boxes or food containers.
  • Urine stains
  • Grease marks
  • Scratching sounds behind walls

If you notice any of these signs, it’s time to take action.

Rodent Control

Like other pests, rodents are always in search of food, water, and shelter. If they happen to find these in your area, you could be dealing with an infestation. While mainstream methods of baits and traps work to help get rid of the rodent population, prevention is also a key to dealing with the problem.

  • Make sure to keep all areas of food storage clean and well-maintained.
  • Securely seal containers and quickly wipe up any spills.
  • Keep plants and shrubs around your home properly pruned to make it less likely rodents will hide or nest in there.
  • Regularly clean out storage areas, especially in basements or attics.

Rodent infestations are not only a sanitation risk in homes, but also in restaurants, warehouses, and any other facility that stores food and offers a cozy nesting place. Rodent burrowing and gnawing activities also pose a major problem for electrical wiring. To keep yourself from having to deal with any issues from rodents, contact Cardinal Pest for professional pest control services. From prevention to infestation remediation, our specialized technicians provide a safe and effective solution for your home or business.

Free Rodent Inspection

Take back control today!

Cardinal Pest provides residential and commercial pest control services in Columbus, Akron, Cleveland, Ohio and surrounding areas. Call us today at 614-808-4446 to learn more about our wildlife and pest control programs.

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