Put Pests in their Place—Off Your Property

Call in the Professionals—Cardinal Pests Local Pest Control Service

yellow jacketFrom hundreds of ants to a family of mice, pests of all sizes can do a lot of damage in and around your home. Cardinal Pest is ready to help. Our full-service pest control program targets various types of insects and rodents to eliminate infestations and help prevent them from happening again.

If you’re currently experiencing issues with any of the following pests, contact Cardinal Pest today:

Reclaim Your Home

Your home is your escape, your safe space, where your family grows and gathers. Don’t allow pests to grow, gather, and gnaw away at your sanctuary and savings. Cardinal Pest not only helps you deal with pest problems, but a comprehensive maintenance plan will help you make sure pests don’t return to do more damage.

After an initial consultation, Cardinal Pest determines where the issues originate from and work to block all access routes. This could mean pruning plants that act as bridges into your home or sealing the perimeter to keep insects and rodents from entering.

What to Expect

When you contact Cardinal Pest for your pest control needs, here’s what you can expect:

  • Superior customer service
  • Experienced professionals
  • Thorough consultation
  • Comprehensive treatment plan
  • Timely follow-up
  • Repeat treatment, if needed

Ready to experience the different professional pest control can make? Request your free evaluation today.

Free Pest Control Evaluation

Take back control today!

Cardinal Pest provides residential and commercial pest control services in Columbus, Akron, Cleveland, Ohio and surrounding areas. Call Cardinal Pest today at 614-808-4446 to learn more about our wildlife and pest control programs.

Call Now 614-808-4446