Nuisance Bird Control

in Columbus, Akron, Cleveland, Ohio and surrounding areas

woodpeckerWhile some people build houses for them, feed them, and designate a place for them to bathe, some birds are considered more of a nuisance than others. Pigeons, starlings, and sparrows are a few on this list. Learn how proper nuisance bird control can help protect your home or business from this specific species.

Preventing a Problem

If your area is being overrun by a specific bird it’s usually because the conditions are ideal for their survival. One of the most effective ways of preventing birds from congregating around your home or office is to eliminate easy access to food and water. This includes:

  • Keeping trash cans clean and secure
  • Prune trees away from structures where birds can roost
  • Make ledges more uncomfortable by adding spikes or sticky substances
  • Clean gutters to prevent standing water
  • Remove bird feeders
  • Don’t feed any birds in the area

If you find these birds are gaining access to your home, warehouse, or office space, inspect the area for openings.

  1. Seal even the smallest crack, since these small birds can squeeze through gaps less than an inch wide.
  2. Block air vents or eaves with mesh or netting
  3. Use door strips in door frames to prevent birds from entering while not limiting access to people.

Nuisance Bird Control

If your preventative measures are not working as well as you’d like, there are ways of controlling the bird population even after they’ve gained access.

Use traps, decoys, and specially designed mist products as a more humane way of dealing with birds.
Remove any nests you find in the spring and summer.
Contact a professional pest control company with the tools and knowledge to deal with birds effectively, all while keeping in line with local bird permit laws and ordinances.

Birds are smart creatures and quickly adapt to the presence of certain control products. Call Cardinal Pest to help you control any issues from a few to a flock of nuisance birds.

FREE Bird Inspection

Take back control today!

Cardinal Pest provides residential and commercial pest control services in Columbus, Akron, Cleveland, Ohio and surrounding areas. Call us today at 614-808-4446 to learn more about our wildlife and pest control programs.

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