Did you know you could have a rodent problem in your home, even if you never see a mouse? Learn to recognize the signs of an infestation and what you can do to stop it before it becomes severe.
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With colder weather setting in, certain pests—like moles—are hunkering down for winter. This could mean deeper damage to your lawn. Learn to recognize the signs and adopt winter mole control techniques.
Squirrels are busier this time of year, preparing for winter by building nests, eating, and hoarding food. Not only can this lead to damage in your lawn and garden, but it could mean larger issues if they decide to nest near gutters or your attic. Here are some fall squirrel control methods to try and help protect your property from feisty pests.
Spooky season is here! While that may mean more skeletons and ghosts are showing up as lawn decor, it also means more bats can be spotted in the area. Learn more fascinating facts about these nocturnal flyers and how proper bat control in the fall works for all.
While you may be buying faux webs to decorate your house for the spooky season, real spiders are more than happy to help you out. There are many methods for preventing house spiders from entering your home and causing a scare.
The thought of bed beds could turn any dream vacation into a nightmare. While there's no official bed bug season, there are certain factors and conditions that make them a bigger threat during this time of year. Learn why summer is the worst season for bed bugs and what you can do to help prevent them from ruining your night, day, and getaway.