Groundhog Control

in Columbus, Akron, Cleveland, Ohio and surrounding areas

groundhogIf you constantly have problems with burrowing pests, every day may be Groundhog Day in your yard and garden. There are different methods of groundhog control that can help get your garden back to feeding your family instead of these hungry rodents.

Signs of Groundhogs

They’re not shy. You may see these stocky animals waddling around your yard. If you don’t, you’ll see the destruction they can do to your lawn and garden, especially after waking from hibernation in the spring. Groundhogs dig tunnels in your yard, under your deck, or anywhere else that gives them easy access to food. The entrance is usually about a foot wide and it could be on either side of the tunnel.

Groundhogs aren’t exactly picky about what they eat. They’ll dine on flowers and devour your vegetable garden, even before these plants have a chance to fully grow. Once they’re through with the good stuff, groundhogs will settle for twigs, bark, and bugs.

Groundhog Control

Once groundhogs get a taste for what your yard offers, they’re harder to get rid of. The trick is to prevent them from even getting too close. There are countless prevention methods you can try, such as sprinkling unsavory flavors around your plants like hot and spicy mixtures. You’ll also want to properly prune shrubs and keep your grass cut to limit places where groundhogs can hide and travel undetected. Fences and traps are also used to prevent and relocate pests from the area.

If you’ve run out of options and feel like you’re losing the fight about these voracious feeders, contact Cardinal Pest for help. Our wildlife control experts help.

FREE Groundhog Inspection

Take back control today!

Cardinal Pest provides residential and commercial pest control services in Columbus, Akron, Cleveland, Ohio and surrounding areas. Call us today at 614-808-4446 to learn more about our wildlife and pest control programs.

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