Bat Control

in Columbus, Akron, Cleveland, Ohio and surrounding areas

It doesn’t take a superhero to deal with a bat, just a professional pest control provider specializing in wildlife removal. Learn more about bat control and how you can prevent a pest problem in the future.

The Problem with Bats

Even though they’re more active at night, bats can find their way into your home through the chimney, roof gaps, or open windows. Once inside, they may become disoriented and cause damage as they struggle to find a way out. Or they could get comfortable in the dark attic or basement and decide to raise their young in your home or office.

While bats are beneficial to the environment and feed on insects you’d want to get rid of anyway, they also carry disease and their droppings infect the insulation and air quality of your home or place of business.

Bat Control

Unless you witness a bat in your home or notice it flying around your building at dusk, you may not know you have a problem until damage is already done. If bats have found their way into your attic, crawl space, or warehouse, you’ll start to see signs of its destruction and droppings. Overtime, it accumulates in attics, window sills, and walkways.

It’s not advised to try and capture a bat unless you’re experienced. Not only do they carry rabies, but bats can also cause a stir when trying to escape your advances. Contact a professional wildlife control company for all of your bat control needs, including:

  • Bat inspection, proofing, and removal
  • Attic clean out
  • Dropping clean up
  • Insulation replacement
  • Bat house installation

Prepare for bat control in the spring when they’re first waking from hibernation. If a bat forms a colony in your building, it’s harder to remove and may even be illegal to get rid of depending on where you live. Most bat removal work is done in late summer or early fall once the young are grown and active again.

For more information on bat control and how to protect your home or business, contact the experts/heroes at Cardinal Pest today.

FREE Bat Inspection

Take back control today!

Cardinal Pest provides residential and commercial pest control services in Columbus, Akron, Cleveland, Ohio and surrounding areas. Call us today at 614-808-4446 to learn more about our wildlife and pest control programs.

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