Effective Ant Control for Indoors and Out

Plus Preventative Measures to Minimize the Risk

Summer is a great time for outdoor picnics and gathering indoors to get out of the heat. And ants think so too. Learn about the different types of pests, how to prevent them, and effective indoor and outdoor ant control options.

Identifying the Ant Problem

While ants play an important role in your garden and the overall ecosystem, they can also play a destructive one when they infest your living spaces. The first step in proper treatment is to identify the type of ant you’re dealing with.

  • Carpenter ants are a larger species that burrow into wood and can cause structural damage to your home and other structures.
  • Odorous house ants are small, brown, and emit a rotten smell when crushed.
  • Pavement ants are the ones you typically see in cracks along the sidewalk, but they can invade your home in search of food.
  • Aggressive fire ants are found outdoors and can inflict painful stings.

Once you’ve identified the ant, you can find a targeted treatment option for that specific species.

Preventing Ant Infestations

One of the best ways to deal with an ant problems is to never have an ant problem to deal with. Understanding why ants invade your yard and home will give you a better idea of how to stop them.

  1. Like most pests, ants are attracted to food and water sources. Regularly clean countertops, sweep floors, and store food in airtight containers. Don’t leave food or scraps outdoors and make sure trash is securely sealed.
  2. Ants can enter through the tiniest opening around your home. Use caulk to fill in cracks and crevices, especially around windows, doors, and the foundation.
  3. Eliminate their sources of water by directing gutters and downspouts away from your home. Fix any leaky faucets and pipes indoors.
  4. Keep plants trimmed and away from your home’s foundation to reduce ant access.
  5. Periodically inspect your home and yard for signs of ant activity. It’s easier to deal with a problem in the early stages.

Even if you use some of these preventative measures, there’s still a chance ants will show up in and around your home. Luckily, there are many ways to control them.

Indoor and Outdoor Ant Control

Even if you don’t see them right away, chances are there’s an army of ants marching around your yard. Once you do see them making a line toward your garden, kitchen, or bathroom, there are a number of ways to stop them. Some methods are more natural than others. It may take a few treatments to fully eradicate the problem.

Indoor Ant Control

  1. Mix equal parts of vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Spray it along ant trails, around windows, doors, and other entry points. Vinegar disrupts their scent trails.
  2. Ants dislike the smell of essential oils like peppermint, tea tree, and lemon. Add a few drops to water and spray it in affected areas.
  3. Sprinkle diatomaceous earth along baseboards, windowsills, and other areas where ants are seen. This natural powder is safe for humans and pets but lethal to ants.
  4. Place a store-bought ant bait in the areas where ants are active. Ants take the bait back to their nest, which helps eliminate the colony.
  5. Use insecticidal sprays labeled safe for indoor use to target visible ants and their trails.

Outdoor Ant Control

  1. Pour boiling water directly into ant nests to kill the colony. Be careful not to hit and burn desirable plants.
  2. Mix boric acid with sugar and water to create a paste. Place it in shallow containers near ant trails. Worker ants will carry the bait back to the nest, killing the colony over time.
  3. Sprinkle ground cinnamon around the perimeter of your home and directly on ant mounds. Ants are repelled by its strong scent.
  4. Apply a granular ant bait around the perimeter of your home and directly on ant mounds. The granules are carried back to the nest, targeting the colony.
  5. Create a barrier around your home by spraying liquid insecticides along the foundation.

When using any chemical product, be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for safe and effective results.

Cardinal Pest Professional Ant Control

If you’ve tried preventative and control methods and are still fighting ant infestations, it’s time to call a professional pest control company. A pro should also be your first call when dealing with dangerous carpenter or fire ants. Our specialists are trained to identify the species,  evaluate the infestation level, and use advanced methods to eliminate the problem. By staying vigilant and keeping your home and yard tidy, you can enjoy a more comfortable, ant-free living environment this summer and throughout the year.

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