Perimeter Pest Control Techniques

Securing Your Property From the Outside In

Just because it’s winter, doesn’t mean all pests are gone. In fact, some may be riding out the harsh season in your home. Use these perimeter pest control techniques to help keep unwanted intruders away from your property.

Identifying Common Pests

Before implementing any control measures, it’s crucial to identify the pests you’re dealing with. Common pests you may still see in the winter include ants, spiders, and rodents. Understanding their behavior and preferences is essential for effective pest control. Once you’re aware that many of these pests are in search of easy access to a warm, dry winter hideaway, you’ll know what to anticipate and which potential issues to address before they arrive.

Pest Control Techniques

One of the keys to pest control is regularly monitoring for activity. The earlier you act on signs such as droppings, bite and scratch marks, or sightings of the pest itself, the easier it will be to control. Prevention is often more effective than dealing with a full-blown pest problem. Here are some of the ways you can help deter pest from hanging around.

  1. Trim Landscaping. Many pests hide out in bushes and trees close to your home. If it’s close enough, the plant can act as a bridge from the outdoors to your doors, windows, and siding. Keep shrubs and other plants properly pruned and away from your home.
  2. Seal Entry Points. The tiniest pests can enter through tiny cracks and gaps. Regularly inspect and seal any openings around windows, doors, and foundations. Pay special attention to areas where utility pipes enter the home.
  3. Proper Waste Management. Since many pests are attracted to food sources, improper waste disposal can lead to infestations. Tightly seal your trash bins and dispose of garbage regularly. Keep compost piles with food particles away from your house to avoid attracting pests.
  4. Pesticides. Selecting the right pesticide is crucial for successful perimeter pest control. There are many environmentally friendly options that are safer to use if you have pets and children in the area. Always apply any chemical according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Create a barrier around your property by spraying around the outside of your home, paying extra attention around doors and windows.
  5. Natural Repellents. While it may not help outside in the winter, you can grow pest-repelling plants—like lavender, mint, or chrysanthemums—around your home. Use essential oils like peppermint or neem oil in specific areas as well.
  6. Tech. Use traps, baits, and sensors to help identify and address certain pest problems before they become major infestations.

While some of these pest management tips require consistent maintenance, it could mean the difference between protecting your home and dealing with an infestation. Regularly inspect your home’s exterior, repair any damages promptly, and address issues such as leaks that can attract pests.

Professional Pest Control Services

If you’re dealing with a persistent pest problem, consider hiring professional pest control services. They can conduct thorough inspections, identify the root cause of the issue, and implement targeted treatments. Contact Cardinal Pest to help you create a plan of attack against unwanted invaders. A proactive approach will help keep your home and surrounding area pest-free.

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