Preventing Cockroaches this Summer

And Who to Call to Control Them

Summer heat may have many opting to stay inside where it’s nice and cool. This includes cockroaches. While they could be found year-round, these hardy pests thrive in warm, humid environments. This means they’ll be more active in the hot, muggy summer. Since their population soars this season, more will be looking for resources. Don’t let it be in your home. Learn how to keep these summer cockroaches out of your home or business. 

Preventing Summer Cockroaches

You can help prevent most pest infestations by simply making your home or office less desirable for them. This includes:

  1. Cleaning. Pests, including roaches, venture inside looking for food, water, and shelter. If you eliminate any of these resources, they’ll tend to look elsewhere. Focus on the areas where food is kept. Don’t leave dirty dishes in the sink or crumbs and spills on the counter. Always keep food sealed in airtight containers. Regularly clean areas behind cabinets and appliances. These overlooked nooks are prime spots for bugs since there’s usually dropped food in a dark, undisturbed area.
  2. Decluttering. While you’re cleaning up, also consider clearing out any clutter that could be used to shelter bugs. Roaches are drawn to cardboard boxes and piles of newspapers. Recycle these items instead of letting them collect. Use sturdy plastic storage containers instead of cardboard that could break down easily and attract bugs.
  3. Drying out. Like roaches, many other pests are attracted to moisture to stay hydrated. Regularly check the area around sinks, faucets, pipes, and appliances and repair any leaks.
  4. Sealing the perimeter. Roaches and other insects are small enough to enter your home undetected through the tiniest crack. Inspect the areas around doors, windows, foundations, roofs, and crawl spaces. Even check any openings where utility lines come into your home. Seal any small cracks with caulk and use foam for larger areas. Wire mesh can help close off areas that still require ventilation.

If you’ve kept up with this list of preventative measures, but still find signs of cockroaches or other pests, it’s time to call for reinforcements. 

Calling a Pro

Even clean homes can experience a pest infestation. The best line of defense is to call a professional pest control company to inspect your home, evaluate the situation, and help you come up with a treatment plan. Depending on the scale of the problem, you may only need a spot treatment. However, where there’s one roach, there’s usually more. This means it’s a good idea to schedule multiple treatments throughout the year to help ensure pests stay away. 

You don’t have to share your summer with cockroaches. Contact Cardinal Pest to come up with a plan for a pest-free season. 

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