Preventative Pest Methods

Not Even a Mouse can Ignore

Twas the holiday season and all through the house, not a creature was stirring because you followed these preventative pest methods. If your home was filled with invited guests over Thanksgiving, you may want to take extra precautions to help ensure uninvited guests don’t move in by the end of the year.

Preventative Cleanup Crew

Now that we made it through one holiday of the season, it’s time to sweep the area to make sure all guests have left the building. While proper sanitation practices won’t eliminate a pest problem, poor sanitation attracts them. All it takes is a few crumbs and unsuspecting spills to satisfy a mouse or other pest.

  1. Do a deep cleaning of kitchens and floors to eliminate any residue.
  2. Store leftovers in airtight containers and don’t leave any food sources on the floor of your cabinets or pantries.
  3. Secure garbage in lidded bins or take them outside away from your house, especially if they contain food remnants.

Eliminate Entry Points

Pest-proofing your home should be an ongoing task. You always want to check for cracks and crevices in your windows, doors, walls, siding, and foundation. If there’s an opening for a utility pipe or wire, make sure that’s sealed properly as well. It only takes a small opening for a pest to enter and cause a big problem.

The Right Pest Bait & Traps

There are many pest baits and traps to choose from. Some work better than others. The key to success is where you place these products. Start with the area where you’ve seen the pest appear. Place other traps along the possible pathway. You may need different traps in different areas.

If you think you’re dealing with just one mouse, roach, or ant, chances are there are many. Set a few different traps using a different bait, or better yet, call one pest control pro.

Professional Preventative Pest Methods

One of the easiest ways to help protect your home from pests this season—and all year—is to consult a pro who knows what pests are looking for, where they’re likely to hide, and what method is most effective in stopping them. If you’re currently dealing with a pest issue or need help preventing one before the next round of holiday guests arrive, contact Cardinal Pest today.

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