The Dangers of Nuisance Birds

Why They’re Bad for Business

Homeowners may welcome birds to their sacred spaces with feeders, baths, and tree houses. Business owners have a different opinion of these feathered friends. When it comes to commercial and industrial facilities, nuisance birds can cause a multitude of problems. Learn how to control the population of unwelcomed winged creatures at your workplace.

The Dangers of Nuisance Birds

Birds are natural creatures that prefer to fly freely outdoors, nest in trees, and find their food in a natural environment. However, under certain circumstances, they may find a better alternative: roosting in the warmth of a warehouse and eating food dropped by occupants of public space. Not only can this cause a disturbance but it can also result in electrical issues and unsanitary conditions.

Commercial and industrial business owners spend a lot of money repairing the damage caused by birds nesting in rafters. This could also lead to other issues such as dangerous distractions, electrical failures and fires, and costly cleanup of droppings.

Not only are the droppings unsightly and unhealthy, but left untreated, the acidic excrement erodes structural materials and lead to more expensive repairs. These droppings also invite foodborne illnesses, which isn’t something you want around the food court, cafes, and other public gathering spots birds may flock to for leftover food.

No one wants a bird getting trapped in HVAC ducts either or having nesting materials clog machinery, gutters, and drains.

The cost of repairing the damage and legal fees of any related lawsuit is sure to be more expensive than taking the steps to prevent birds from entering a facility in the first place.

Bird Control

To help prevent birds from infiltrating the workplace and causing a ruckus, there are several humane methods of control. Some of these you can try to implement on your own, but others should be installed by a professional pest control company.

  • Flash tape. One of the simplest solutions is to apply reflective tape to surfaces to scare birds with the movement caused by wind and sun glare.
  • Nets. Install a physical barrier to prevent birds from accessing certain areas, such as eaves, canopies, gardens, and other work or public spaces. The nets block the birds year-round and when installed correctly, can be designed to complement the space.
  • Spikes. Even the most stubborn bird species will not find it comfortable to perch or nest on a spike. These are best suited for narrow surfaces above signs, ledges, window sills, and light posts. They can also be designed to blend in with building aesthetics.
  • Shock. While this sounds like a harsh option, it’s only designed to scare birds away with a mild twinge when they land on a treated surface. Shock tracks can be discreetly placed in highly susceptible areas including beams and rooflines.

Professional Pest Control

Many of these options entail proper installation to be most effective. You also want it to be discreet, especially when you’re trying to cater to customers. A commercial pest control company can help you choose the best option for controlling nuisance birds. It’s an easier process to prevent birds from gaining access to your facility. But there are ways to get rid of them and keep them from coming back. Contact Cardinal Pest to get started.

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