Bed Bug Control

For a Good Night Sleep

Bed Bug

Good night, sleep tight and don’t let the bed bugs bite. Sometimes, that last part is easier said than done. However, there are ways to help prevent these unwelcomed overnight guests from ruining a perfectly good night’s sleep (and bed). Keep these bed bug control methods in mind, especially if you’re in an area known for infestations or have recently traveled.

Identifying Bed Bugs

The first step in controlling bed bugs is to make sure you have bed bugs. The signs may lead you to believe it’s another pest, like mosquitoes, so be sure you can correctly identify which one is bothering you. Whether you notice the bugs or their bites first, these signs should not be ignored:

Signs of the bug:

  • Small, oval, brown-colored insects.
  • Adult bedbugs have flat bodies about the size of an apple seed.
  • Their bodies swell and turn a reddish color after eating.
  • They move quickly over floors, walls, and ceilings.
  • They live in groups in and around the bed (mattress, box spring, bed frame, headboard) since this is the closest to food (your blood).
  • After a while, they may scatter to nearby rooms in search of more food.

Signs of the bite:

  • Bed bugs are more active at night while you’re sleeping (easy access).
  • They pierce your skin to withdraw blood. While this is initially a painless process, it often leads to an itchy welt.
  • Bites can appear anywhere the skin was exposed while sleeping. If you didn’t have the bite before you went to bed, chances are it was a bed bug.
  • Some may mistake bites for mosquitoes, but signs of the bug or infestation itself will confirm bed bugs.

Signs of the infestation:

  • Small blood stains on your sheets or pillowcases.
  • Dark spots of bedbug excrement on sheets, mattresses, and walls.
  • An offensive, musty odor (from the bugs’ scent glands).

If you suspect an infestation:

  1. Inspect in and around the bed for more signs:
  2. Remove all bedding and check it carefully for signs of bugs or their excrement.
  3. Remove the dust cover of the box springs and examine the seams in the framing.
  4. Check the area around the bed, including reading material, alarm clocks, the edge of the carpet, and even electrical outlets.
  5. Check your closet, since bedbugs can attach to clothing.

If you find more signs of a bed bug infestation, begin to take steps in controlling and preventing further damage. If you’re still looking or unsure about certain signs, you can also contact Cardinal Pest to help narrow it down.

Bed Bug Control

Whether you find bed bugs or not, it’s always a good idea to keep things clean and tidy to help prevent future infestations.

  • Clean anything a bed bug could hide in, including linens, curtains, and clothing in hot water, and dry them on the highest dryer setting.
  • Place anything that can’t be washed in the dryer and run on high for 30 minutes.
  • Use a stiff brush to scrub the mattress seams and remove any bed bugs or eggs.
  • Vacuum your bed and surrounding area, then immediately place the contents in a plastic bag or garbage can outdoors.
  • Protect your mattress and box springs with a tightly woven, zippered cover. This has many uses, including keeping bedbugs from entering or escaping.
  • Eliminate areas where bed bugs can hide, like cracks or crevices in the wall or clutter around the bed.

Even if you get rid of the infested mattress, take these steps to help prevent bed bugs from traveling to other areas of your home and getting into your new mattress.

Bed Bug Extermination

Even if the problem seems under control, you may still want to consider having your home properly treated. You don’t have to immediately throw out all of your belongings, but any product needs to be safe for use on them. Contact the experienced pest control professionals at Cardinal Pest to properly exterminate your home, keep your property safe, and not transfer the bugs to your neighbors.

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