Rodent Control

Keeping Unwelcome Guests Away

How many overnight guests have you hosted this winter? From holiday gatherings to cozy nights by the fire, you could have been joined by more than close family and friends. Whether you’ve already noticed signs of pests or you want to prevent an infestation, there are certain rodent control methods to put into practice immediately to keep any unwanted guests away.

Preventative Rodent Control Methods

No one wants to have to deal with an infestation of any kind. The more preventative measures you take, the less likely you’ll have to deal with ridding your house of pests, cleaning up any damage, and keeping them away.

There are many rodent control methods to choose from, and they all have different levels of effectiveness. It all depends on the type of rodent you’re dealing with and your current living situation. While the best method is better determined by a professional after evaluating your specific case, here are some general guidelines to follow.

  1. Keep your home clean. Rodents and pests are always looking for a handout. If they find your home is full of dark, dusty corners littered with crumbs and open food containers within reach, then they’re likely to move right in. This is why it’s important to keep all areas clean, especially near a food source.
  2. Keep food inaccessible. Store open food packages in tight resealable containers. Clean up crumbs, spills, and leftovers out of the sink. Wrap food scraps before putting them in the trash or keep them outside in a tightly closed can. Regularly clean behind your fridge, stove, microwave, and other appliances.
  3. Keep your home dry. Some rodents prefer wet areas. Repair any leaky or dripping faucets
  4. Tidy the outdoors. Since this is where the rodents will be coming from, you don’t want to attract them with easy access to your home through woodpiles, open drain pipes, or overgrown bushes and lawns.
  5. Seal every entrance. If rodents get desperate enough, they will find any crack, crevice, or opening to gain entrance into your home. Repair any tears in window screens, cracks in doors, or openings in attics to deny access.
  6. Natural repellents. Help keep rodents out of your yard with odors that may be pleasant to you but noxious to them. Peppermint has been known to be effective in keeping pests away. Daffodils, hyacinth, cinnamon, and cayenne pepper can also be used as a natural repellent.

Ridding Your Home of Rodents

If it’s too late for preventative measures, or you tried these methods and still notice signs of pests, here are some other ways of getting rid of them.

  • Natural predators. Cats and owls hunt rodents, but it may take more than your housebroken feline to get rid of a family of mice. Barn owls are also hard to come by, but you can try setting up a shelter box for them outside of your house to help control the rodent population.
  • Traps. From the snapping ones to the more humane designs, traps are most effective when placed in an area where you’ve seen signs of rodents. Bait them with food or poison, but be ready to empty or relocate any successful traps. You’ll also want to use extreme caution if you decide to go the poison route, as this can also harm your family and pets if used incorrectly.

Professional Pest Control

If your methods of preventing or trapping rodents prove unsuccessful, your best bet is to call a professional exterminator. A pro will know how to read the signs of where the rodents could be coming from, what attracted them, and how to eliminate them. Contact Cardinal Pest for a consultation and start living rodent and worry-free.

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