Bat Control

Signs & Solutions

It’s one thing to see bats darting around at dusk. But one place you don’t want to see them is inside your home. However, these nocturnal pests could find a way in, especially if they’re looking for a warm, dark place to hang out. Here are some humane methods of bat control to keep in mind if and when you start to see bat signals.

Signs of a Bat

You may notice bats living outside of their home or may think you hear something fluttering around in the attic. Here are a few places to look if you think you may have a bat problem:

  • Under the eaves. There’s enough coverage to hide underneath the overhanging sections of your roof
  • Attic or loft space
  • Garage
  • Shed
  • Basement
  • Old warehouse or neglected office space
  • Wooded area

Certain types of roofs are more susceptible to bat infiltration. Wood shake, terracotta, and slate have more arches and openings that allow pests like birds, bats, and bees into your home.

While you may not see the bat right away, you may notice some of the other telltale signs.

  • Droppings. If you think you’ve found bat feces, avoid any contact with it. Even inhaling the air around it can cause a reaction to the fungus it carries.
  • Odor. Bat urine has a very strong odor which could linger inside your home well after the bat is gone.
  • Stains. In addition to the damage its bowel movements may cause, bats also leave a visible grease mark over any surface it touches.
  • Bugs. Similar to a bed bug, a bat bug is a parasite that nests wherever the bat roosts. But it can move on to your living quarters if given the opportunity.

Bat Control

Once you see the signs and find where the bat is roosting, you need to get rid of it as efficiently and humanely as possible. Bats are known to bite, especially if they’re ill, injured, or intimidated. So it’s best to call a pest control company to professionally take care of the problem.

While bats don’t build any nest in your home or gnaw on any materials as other birds will, they do carry disease and need to be removed properly. Once the bats are gone, it’s time to put stricter prevention methods in place. Seal any cracks or openings and install mesh netting over any necessary opening in your attic or roof.

A professional pest control company will know the signs to look for, where to find them, and the best method of control. Typically, bats are simply relocated to another area. A professional must be the one to trap a bat for relocation to limit the chance of harming anyone. Contact Cardinal Pest for any pest control problem, including bat removal, and for more tips on how to prevent a problem in the future.

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