Cockroach Control

Prevention is Key

No one wants to talk about cockroach control, because it usually means you have an infestation to deal with. However, it’s just as important to prevent a problem as it is to get rid of one. Use these tips to help rid your home, office, or restaurant of these pests.

Where to Find Cockroaches

No one wants to find these creatures in their space. That being said, they’re a common problem and can be difficult to deal with, especially if not dealt with correctly. You’ll typically find cockroaches in these areas:

  1. kitchen cabinets (where there’s plenty of food, and they’re not picky eaters).
  2. attics (where it’s quiet and there’s plenty of dark spaces to hide).
  3. bathrooms (where there’s a water source and pipes to travel).

Understanding why cockroaches are in your space is a key step in preventing them from staying put. Like many pests, they enter in search of food and shelter. So, giving them easy access to both makes your place even more attractive. From dirty dishes in the sink to pet food and crumbs on the floor, these pests will travel high and low for sustenance. They look for damp, dark places to stay, like the corners of your basement, attic, and at the base of large appliances. Check these spots regularly to make sure you don’t have any lurking pests and seal any possible entry points.

Since pests originate from the outdoors, you also want to make sure it’s not your yard that’s attracting them in the first place. Clean up gardens and areas close to your building. Relocate wood piles and prune overgrown plants. Make sure there’s no standing water in pots, gutters, or birdbaths.

Cockroach Control

Now that you know what they’re looking for, you can work toward making your space as uncomfortable for pests as possible. Take preventative steps to save yourself from having to deal with an expensive pest problem. It could be as simple as regularly cleaning problem spots, like kitchens, cabinets, and bathrooms. Also, regularly inspect areas you may not always venture into, like basements and attics. Since many pests prefer to be left alone, your constant presence will make it more unlikely they’ll stick around.

If you’re already dealing with a cockroach problem, there are ways of getting rid of them. Certain chemical solutions—such as pesticide foggers and sprays—work on a large scale, but there are also some more natural remedies. Sprinkle any of the following in the areas where you’ve noticed cockroaches:

  • Food-grade diatomaceous earth
  • Baking soda
  • Boric acid
  • Borax
  • Citrus

There is also a wide range of products available for trapping and killing roaches. Glue strips and bait stations may be a useful tool, but they could also be harmful to other living things, so use them with caution.

Professional Pest Removal

Besides prevention, the best way of handling pests is to call a professional. Not only do they know how to locate and treat an infestation, but they take great care to make it safe for your household and business. The right pest control company will also help you plan better preventative measures to ensure pests don’t return. For more cockroach control tips and consultation, contact Cardinal Pest.

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