Raccoon Control Methods

Plus How to Prevent their Return


They stalk the streets at night looking for food and a warm place to rest. Could dinner be in your trash cans? Could their warm bed be in your garden or attic? If so, you’ll want to quickly use these raccoon control methods before too much damage is done.

Assessing Raccoon Damage

These black and white critters may look cute with their masked face markings and little paws holding a tasty treat, but if that treat came from your trash can it could lead to larger problems. Raccoons can do a lot of damage if left to their own devices. Tipped and ripped trash is the least of your worries when it comes to coons moving in. Females looking to nest may also be looking to:

  • Rip roof shingles
  • Remove rooftop ventilators
  • Tear attic insulation
  • Chew electrical wires
  • Use your attic as a bathroom
  • Invite parasites into your place
  • Clog up your chimney
  • Chew through your crawl space
  • Shelter under your porch
  • Decimate your garden
  • Bust up bird feeders
  • Dig through compost piles

Since they’re nocturnal, you may not see them in the act, but you’re sure to notice the destruction. Just make sure it’s not too late.

Raccoon Control Methods

If you notice any evidence of their presence or hear them beyond the walls, you should act fast before they do too much damage. The quickest way to get rid of raccoons is by calling a professional pest control company. Not only will they know what to look for, but they’ll also come prepared to take care of the situation while following any local catch-and-release laws. If the problem persists, you should reevaluate some of your everyday practices to ensure your property becomes less appealing.

Preventing Raccoon Damage

Whether you’ve just eradicated the problem or before one even arises, there are several steps you can take to make your home less pest-friendly.

  1. Eliminate all possible food sources. Sometimes feeding the birds is not as important and preventing a raccoon visit. Don’t leave any pet food outside and make sure any empty bowls are washed clean. Secure any trash cans left outside and make sure any food particles are regularly washed out. Keep an eye on your fruit trees and bushes. Make sure nothing has fallen on the ground. Fence in your garden area, compost pile, and fish ponds.
  2. Reduce potential nesting sites. Clean up your yard so there’s no overgrown shrubbery, tree branches, or overflowing wood piles close to your home. Install a chimney cap to keep all kinds of animals out. Make sure there are no easy access points under decks, patios, or sheds.
  3. Call Cardinal Pest. A professional pest control company can evaluate the environment around your home and suggest ways to keep pests out of your specific property. If you end up having a problem, pros know the best ways to deal with it safely. Trying to trap a raccoon yourself is dangerous business, especially since they’re known to carry disease.

Leave raccoon control to an expert and save yourself the stress and possible further damage to your home.

Call Now 614-808-4446