Pest Control Services

Put Pests in their Place

Ants and cockroaches and rodents… and more. You may not always see them, but that doesn’t mean they’re not there. Common household pests like ants, cockroaches, and rodents are more than a pain. Left untreated, they can damage your property and your family’s health. Cardinal Pest Control understands how hard it can be to handle insects and rodents, especially once there’s already damage done. With the right tools, know-how, and pest control services, you can easily turn an infestation into a cause for celebration.

Insect Infestation

Pest control is not only a seasonal task. Insects are always looking for a way into your home, whether they’re waking up hungry in the springtime or looking for a warm place to wait out the winter. This is why it’s important to stay vigilant year-round and continue to work on keeping your home pest-free.

Take a walk in and around your home. Notice if there are any cracks in the foundation, holes in window screens, or plants up against your house. These are all access points for pests to find a way into your home. If you think you’ve sealed everything up, it’s still a good idea to have a professional company check things out, especially if you start to see signs of trouble.

Round-Up the Rodents

Where there’s one mouse, there may be many. Rodents may be bigger than insects, but that doesn’t mean they can’t fit into the tiny cracks and other openings around your home. If they make it inside, you can be sure they’ll find your food. Make sure your cabinets and pantry are safe from any infiltration by storing food in sealed containers and cleaning up any crumbs. The more difficult you make it for mice, the more likely they will move on.

Professional Pest Control Services

Professional pest control companies like Cardinal Pest are knowledgeable about the habits of household pests and rodents. They develop a customized plan tailored to your home and pest problem. If you’ve had an ant problem before or a run-in with rodents, you’ll receive specifics on what conditions are currently attracting pests and what can be done to prevent future attacks. Contact Cardinal Pest today for a free consultation and learn what you can do to reclaim your home from pests.

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