Commercial Pest Control

Our Business is Protecting Yours


Pests are not good for business. The last thing your office, warehouse, and restaurant needs is any kind of infestation. When it comes down to your livelihood, it’s going to take more than a few ant or mouse traps. It’s going to take commercial pest control services.

Commercial Pest Control

Businesses are not immune to pest problems. Ants, cockroaches, and rodents don’t discriminate when it comes to finding food and shelter. Depending on what your business is, they may prefer a commercial kitchen or multiple beds to find refuge. This is not a five-star situation.

To maintain certain licenses, many businesses are required to undergo regular inspections, including ones from the health department. An infestation of any kind surely won’t pass. This is why it’s more important to deal with a pest problem as soon as possible and take the proper steps to prevent one from happening in the first place.

At Your Service

Cardinal Pest provides a full-service pest control program that targets various types of insects and rodents. We’re here to help eliminate infestations and prevent them from happening again. If you’re currently experiencing issues with any of the following pests, or want to be proactive in preventing a problem, contact Cardinal Pest today:

  • Ants
  • Cockroaches
  • Bed Bugs
  • Stinging Insects
  • Spiders
  • Rodents
  • Bats
  • Squirrels
  • Birds

After an initial consultation, we’ll determines where the issues originate from and work to block all access routes. Your business is left pest-free and you now have the power to prevent future issues, making you, your customers, and the health department happy.

Companies call Cardinal Pest for professional pest control, and they recommend us for our excellent customer service. As a business, you already know the difference experience makes. Now it’s time to get serious about the pest control method you take.

Request your free quote today.

Call Now 614-808-4446